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By train

Take the train, take our time...

The best way to immerse yourself in your journey and limit its environmental impact, but also, depending on the case, a quick and economical solution. We highly recommend it!

Two options with night trains (see

  • Night train from Arlanda at 18:10 to Älvsbyn at 5:16 or Gällivare at 8:07 and then bus from Gällivare at 9:15 to Kåbdalis (11:40).
  • The night train leaves Arlanda at 22:21 and arrives in Älvsbyn (75 km from Kåbdalis) at 9:32 the next day.

By car

Via Oslo or Gothenburg

2546 km with four ferry options :

  • Hitshatls ↦ Larvik
  • Frederikshavn ↦ Oslo
  • Copenhagen ↦ Oslo
  • Frederikshavn ↦ Gothenburg

See ferry companies:

By car

Via Malmö

2544 km with the ferry Travemünden ↦ Malmö.

See ferry companies:

By Bus

via Arvidsjaur

  • From Arvidsjaur (14:35) to Kåbdalis (16:05)
  • From Kåbdalis (11:40) to Arvidsjaur (13:00)

via Gällivare

  • from Gällivare (9:15) to Kåbdalis (11:40)
  • from Kåbdalis (15:53) to Kåbdalis (18:20)


By plane

Three options from Stockholm Arlanda:

  • Stockholm ↦ Arvidjaur: Two daily flights from Nordica, leaving at à 9:15 and 15:55 (duration: 1.20 hours).
  • Stockholm ↦ Galliväre: One flight per day with Nordica at 9:15 (duration: 1.25 hours).
  • Stockholm ↦ Luléa: The cheapest, three daily flight from Norwegian at 8:40,12:15 et 16h (duration: 1.20 hours).

Then bus (see and/or rent a car.